Sunday, December 25, 2011

Twi Tour Orlando 2011 - Bronson Pelletier

Here are my images on Bronson Pelletier at Twi Tour in Orlando, FL.

Twi Tour Orlando 2011 - Nikki Reed

Here are my images on Nikki Reed at Twi Tour in Orlando, FL. 

Twi Tour Orlando 2011 - Charlie Bewley

Here are my images on Charlie Bewley at Twi Tour in Orlando, FL. 

Twi Tour Orlando 2011 - BooBoo Stewart

Here are my images of BooBoo Stewart at Twi Tour in Orlando, FL. 

Breaking Dawn Premiere Pics - The Humans

Here are my pics of the actors who play the humans from the Breaking Dawn Part 1 premiere in Los Angeles, CA. 

Breaking Dawn Premiere Pics - The Wolves

Here are my pics of the actors who play the wolf pack from the Breaking Dawn Part 1 premiere in Los Angeles, CA. 

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